2 Please select an action you want to take and press Next to continue.
3 Which files do you want to defragment?
4 Please choose the most appropriate way of how you want to proceed with selecting files to defragment and press Next to continue.
5 Select files you want to defragment
6 Use Add and Remove buttons to change a list of files to be defragmented. Set an order in which files will be defragmented using Move Up/Down buttons.
7 File Name
8 File Type
9 All Files (*.*)$*.*$
10 DefragMentor Wizard
11 DefragMentor can not defragment files on the selected volume.\nPossible reasons are:\n The file system is not supproted\n Only FAT, FAT32 and NTFS are supported\n Volume type is not supported\n CD/DVD, removable media, network or floppy drivs are not supported\n Cluster size is not supported\n Cluster size must be less than or equal to 4096 bytes
12 The file is in %I64d fragment(s)
13 You have selected so many files that DefragMentor\ncan not add them all at once.\n\nPlease try to select less files and repeat this step two\nor three times if you need to have all the files listed.
14 All the files in the selected folder (including its subfolders) will be added to the list of files to be defragmented.
15 NOTE: you can only select folders on the local hard drive.
16 When do you want files to be defragmented?
17 Please suggest the most appropriate time to defragment files and press Next to proceed to the screen where you will be asked for more details.
18 Do you want to create a new defragmentation job?
19 Add files to an existing defragmentation job or create a new one if no existing job is suited to defragment selected files.
20 How often do you want files to be defragmented?
21 Files will be defragmented automatically either only once at a certain time or on a regular basis according to the schedule specified.
22 Job schedule
23 One-time defragmentation job cannot be\nscheduled because its time has passed.
24 Name the defragmentation job you have just scheduled
25 This name will help you identify the scheduled job if you ever want to modify or cancel it as well as to review its processing history.
26 <n/a>
27 <n/a>
28 You have yet to edit a schedule.\nPress the Schedule button to do that.
29 <n/a>
30 Configure defragmentaion job settings
31 The job settings determine an execution-time DefragMentor behaviour. You can leave the default settings intact as they are suitable for most cases.
32 There is another defragmentation\njob with exactly the same name as\none you have entered.\n\nPlease give the job a unique name.
33 Internal error has occured.\nThis may affect your further work with DefragMentor Wizard.\nIt is recommended to close the Wizard immediately and start\nit over again to carry on your task.
34 The following error has occured: 0x%08lX\nThis may affect your further work with DefragMentor Wizard.\nIt is recommended to close the Wizard immediately and start\nit over again to carry on your task.
35 You have entered an invalid value for the defragmentation time limit.\nThis value must be between 1 minute and 96 hours.
36 at
37 on
38 <n/a>
39 <n/a>
40 <n/a>
41 <n/a>
42 <n/a>
43 <n/a>
44 <n/a>
45 How often do you want files to be defragmented?
46 Files can be defragmented automatically either only once when the computer is booting-up next time or every time the computer is booting-up.
47 How often do you want files to be defragmented?
48 Files can be defragmented automatically either only once when a screen saver is running next time or every time the computer is running a screen saver.
49 <n/a>
50 <n/a>
51 <n/a>
52 <n/a>
53 Defragmentation completed!\nTotal number of fragments is reduced\nfrom %I64u to %I64u.
54 Failed to reduce fragmentation.\nPlease see details below for more information.
55 Ready to start defragmenting file(s)
56 Please note that it may take a while to defragment file(s). It is safe to press Cancel and interrupt the process if you do not want to wait for it to complete.
57 Defragmenting file(s)
58 Press Next to start defragmenting file(s)
59 Please wait...
60 Are you sure you want to exit DefragMentor Wizard?
61 %ld file(s) below will be defragmented:
62 Please wait...
63 You do not have permissions to access this folder.
64 Select file types you want to defragment
65 Use check boxes on the left to select file types and then press Next to continue. DefragMentor will search for files of the selected types on the disk.
66 Ready to start searching for files
67 Searching for files
68 DefragMentor is ready to start searching for files you may want to defragment. Please note that it may take a while to complete the search.
69 Press Next to start searching for files
70 Please wait...
71 DefragMentor is searching for files you may want to defragment. Please note that it may take a while to complete the search.
72 Drive %s is not accessible. Press OK to continue.
73 Review the list of files DefragMentor Wizard has found
74 Due to the Windows operating system design all the selected\nfiles can only be defragmented when the computer is booting up\nbefore the files get locked by the system.\n\nThat is why the boot-time defragmentation is the only option\navailable.
75 Which defragmentation job do you want to modify or cancel?
76 Please select a defragmentation job you want to modify or cancel and press Next to continue.
77 Which defragmentation job do you want to review results of?
78 Please select a defragmentation job whose results you want to review and press Next to continue.
79 What do you want to do with the selected job?
80 Please specify whether you want to modify or to cancel the job you have selected and press Next to continue.
81 Which list of files do you want to change?
82 Please select one of the two groups of files you want to change and press Next to continue.
83 Which list of files do you want to change?
84 Please select one of the two groups of files you want to change and press Next to continue.
85 Are you sure you want to cancel the job?
86 Review the list of files to be defragmented
87 <n/a>
88 Defragmentation job settings determine the processing-time DefragMentor behaviour.
89 Loading file information
90 DefragMentor Wizard is gathering information on files included in the selected job. This may take a few minutes.
91 Set a start time for the defragmentation job
92 This defragmentation job is pending. Here you can change date and time when you want DefragMentor to defragment files, which belong to the job.
93 Edit a schedule for the recurring defragmentation job
94 Selected files are scheduled to be defragmented automatically on a regular basis. Here you can change the recurrence pattern of this defragmentation job.
95 Edit the defragmentation job name or leave it intact
96 Here you can rename the scheduled defragmentation job. If you do not need to change the name just leave it as it is and press Next to continue.
97 File(s) are already contiguous.
98 <n/a>
99 <n/a>
100 <n/a>
101 The list of files to be defragmented every time the computer is booting-up has been modified successfully.
102 The list of files to be defragmented next time the computer is booting-up has been modified successfully.
103 The list of files to be defragmented every time a screen saver is running has been modified successfully.
104 The list of files to be defragmented next time a screen saver is running has been modified successfully.
105 The one-time pending defragmentation job has been modified successfully.
106 The recurring defragmentation job has been modified successfully.
107 Some of the selected files can not be defragmented
108 Due to the Windows operating system design some of the selected files are always locked and can only be defragmented when the computer is booting up.
109 Proceed with the rest of the selected files
110 Press Next to proceed with scheduling one-off or recurring defragmentation job for the rest of the selected files.
111 Press Next to schedule the rest of the selected files for being defragmented when the computer is running a screen saver.
112 Press Next to defragment the rest of the selected files right away.
113 According to what you have indicated, those files that can not be defragmented under normal circumstances will be defragmented automatically next time the computer is booting up.
114 According to what you have indicated, those files that can not be defragmented under normal circumstances will be defragmented automatically every time the computer is booting up.
115 According to what you have indicated, those files that can not be defragmented under normal circumstances will be skipped at further steps of the DefragMentor Wizard.
116 <n/a>
117 <n/a>
118 <n/a>
119 Failed to save the job
120 DefragMentor Wizard failed to save the defragmentation job.
121 Press Next to proceed with modifying the one-time defragmentation job for the rest of the selected files.
122 Press Next to proceed with modifying the recurring defragmentation job for the rest of the selected files.
123 Press Next to schedule the rest of the selected files for being defragmented next time the computer is running a screen saver.
124 Press Next to schedule the rest of the selected files for being defragmented every time the computer is running a screen saver.
125 DefragMentor Wizard is gathering file information. This may take a few minutes.
126 Files have been scheduled to be defragmented automatically\n%s
127 Please note that you can modify or cancel the pending one-time defragmentation job you have just scheduled at any time later.
128 Files have been scheduled to be defragmented automatically on schedule
129 Please note that you can modify or cancel the recurring defragmentation job you have just scheduled at any time later.
130 Files have been scheduled to be defragmented automatically next time a screen saver is running.
131 Please note that you can modify or cancel the pending defragmentation job you have just scheduled at any time later.
132 Files have been scheduled to be defragmented automatically every time a screen saver is running.
133 Please note that you can modify or cancel the recurring defragmentation job you have just scheduled at any time later.
134 Files have been scheduled to be defragmented automatically next time the computer is booting-up.
135 Please note that you can modify or cancel the pending defragmentation job you have just scheduled at any time later.
136 Files have been scheduled to be defragmented automatically every time the computer is booting-up.
137 Please note that you can modify or cancel the recurring defragmentation job you have just scheduled at any time later.
138 Files have been added to the job and will be defragmented automatically\n%s
139 Please note that you can modify or cancel the pending one-time defragmentation job, to which you have just added files, at any time later.
140 Files have been added to the job and will be defragmented automatically on a regular basis
141 Please note that you can modify or cancel the recurring defragmentation job, to which you have just added files, at any time later.
142 Due to the Windows operating system design all the files on the\nlist can only be defragmented when the computer is booting up\nbefore the files get locked by the system.\n\nThese files can not be defragmented within the job you are\nnow modifying.
143 Which particular boot-time job do you want to review results of?
144 Please select one of the two groups of files defragmented when the computer was booting up and press Next to review results.
145 Which particular screen saver job do you want to review results of?
146 Please select one of the two groups of files defragmented when the computer was running a screen saver and press Next to review results.
147 <n/a>
148 <n/a>
149 Job processing history
150 Below are the job processing history records. Use Summary and Details buttons to see a job processing summary and details of how files have been defragmented.
151 Job is pending
152 Job is pending or inactive
153 This one-time defragmentation job has not been executed as either its due time has not come yet or there could have been circumstances preventing the job from being executed on time (e.g. the computer could have been switched off).
154 This recurring defragmentation job has never been executed yet as either its start time has not come yet or there could have been circumstances preventing the job from being executed on time (e.g. the computer could have been switched off).
155 Files have not been defragmented as either no files have been scheduled or the computer has not been restarted yet to let the defragmentation take place when it is booting up.
156 Files have not been defragmented as either no files have been scheduled or the computer has not run a screen saver yet to let the defragmentation take place.
157 <n/a>
158 <n/a>
159 Date/Time
160 Job Status
161 File Status
162 Job has no history records
163 Although the selected job has been executed at least once, there are no processing history records associated with the job.\n\nIt is most likely that history records have been cleaned up automatically once they are expired.
164 See the product settings if you want to change the history expiration period.
165 DefragMentor Screen Saver settings
166 Set your preferences for the DefragMentor Screen Saver, which allows defragmenting files when the computer is running a screen saver.
167 Boot-time defragmenter settings
168 Set your preferences for the defragmentation process, which takes place when the computer is booting up.
169 Job Scheduler settings
170 Job Scheduler is a background process, which maintains defragmentation jobs and executes one-time and recurring defragmentation jobs.
171 Saving product settings
172 Product settings are now being saved, which may take a few moments.
173 Failed to save settings
174 One or more errors occured when product settings were being saved.
175 Please wait while the Wizard saves product settings...
176 <n/a>
177 Loading product settings
178 Product settings are now being retrieved, which may take a few moments.
179 Failed to retrieve settings
180 One or more errors occured when product settings were being retrieved.
181 Please wait while the Wizard retrieves product settings...
182 Error has occured, which may affect your further work with DefragMentor Wizard. It is recommended to close the Wizard immediately and start it over again to carry on your task.
183 Progress/Statistics
184 Animation
185 Progress/Statistics then Animation
186 Black
187 Blue
188 <None>
189 You have to select a foreground screen saver.\n\nPlease specify which screen saver you would like to see on\nyour display while DefragMentor Screen Saver is doing its\njob in a background.\n\nPress Select button to choose a foreground screen saver.
190 Text Color
191 Background Color
192 Black screen
193 Original DefragMentor Screen Saver settings
194 Please specify how you want the original DefragMentor Screen Saver to look like. You can choose a style and select different look and feel options.
195 Windows Explorer integration settings
196 Please specify whether you want DefragMentor to show its tab on file properties window in Windows Explorer.
197 Job processing history settings
198 Job processing history tends to grow in size over a time eating out your disk space. Here you can configure the automatic clean-up of the job history.
199 Which product settings would you like to change?
200 Please specify which product settings you are going to change and press Next to proceed to the pages where you will do that.
206 Your screen saver has been changed to DefragMentor Screen Saver
207 To do its job DefragMentor Screen Saver needs to be selected as an active screen saver (i.e. the screen saver Windows will start when the computer is idle).
208 Boot-time failure is detected
209 Last execution of boot-time defragmentation jobs resulted in a critical error (unexpected power down, system crash, etc). For safety reasons boot-time defragmenter is disabled until you explicitly enable it in the Product Settings.
210 DefragMentor self-check failed.\nPlease make sure the product is installed properly.
211 You are not granted local administrative rights required to run the product.\nPlease contact your system administrator.
212 Checking Job Scheduler state
213 DefragMentor Wizard is now checking on Job Scheduler being up and running. This is to make sure your defragmentation jobs will be executed when time comes.
214 Register...
215 >>> OK
216 <n/a>
217 One the operating systems on your computer is configured to suppress any output when booting up. So do not be confused if you see no messages when DefragMentor executes boot-time defragmentation jobs or remove /NOGUIBOOT parameter from C:\BOOT.INI.
218 The product registration key has been taken and saved successfully.\nHowever DefragMentor Job Scheduler service has NOT been\nrestarted for technical reasons.\n\nIt is recommended that you restart your computer for the registration\nkey to take effect.
219 Failed to take a product registration key from the clipboard.\nIt is recommended that you restart DefragMentor and try again.
220 No valid product registration key in the clipboard.\n\nPlease make sure you copy the registration key exactly\nas explained in the e-mail message you should have\nreceived and try again.